Update; !
"In the zone" with 3 Tenor Ukulele's and 1 guitar. 2 Ukes are my Chena Uke models the 3rd one is a new model shape tenor a little bigger bottom, gots more air. The guitar is a hybred Gypsy design (seen in the previous blog)
The instrument bodies have a wash of shellac for color and a sealant....2 have a primary wood of Koa and spruce,,,,the other is a primary of nicely figured Myrtle wood and spruce.
Like most my instruments it will have a shouldered side sound port for the listening
pleasure towards the musician, like a little speaker.......
There still is much to do to these instruments, binding & purfling, inlay logo at headstock,
fret the fingerboard, inlay in fingerboard, finish and set-up........
I start the binding today.......g